My ears give me better lyrics

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Nestor Carigno
Beiträge: 1087
Registriert: Samstag 3. Oktober 2009, 17:57
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My ears give me better lyrics

Beitrag von Nestor Carigno »

I own the time

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, ...

You're gone and i gotta stay.

I own the time
to keep you on my mind
Uuh-uuh, uuh-uuh.

I own the time
to keep you on my mind
Uuh-uuh, uuh-uuh.

Gotta stay -
I own my life
don't forget i'm missing you
Uuh-uuh, uuh-uuh.

Staying in my paper tent
where the funny got no end

["Habits" by Tove Lo as heard in the radio]
Zuletzt geändert von Nestor Carigno am Sonntag 21. Februar 2021, 01:04, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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